Quick Tip – Maximizing the Effect of Your Polarizing Filter

Polarizing filters are one of the most useful accessories that a photographer could lay hands on. They help increase the colour saturation and decrease reflections thereby enhancing the overall quality of your shots.

However a good understanding of how a polarizing filter works and the right technique including the time of shoot is critical to get the most out of them. You could learn how a polarizing filter works by referring this article - Polarizing Filters

Now let us have a look at the single most important tip that you help you get the most out of your polarizing filters. You might have already been guided that polarizing filters work best when the subject is at an angle to the sun and yes it is right that is why the effect is more pronounced when shooting during early morning and late evenings rather than on midday when the sun is right on top of you.

Here is one quick trick to determine where the polarizing filter will have its maximum impact.

The direction in which you shoot is the key to getting the most dramatic effect. Hold your hand in pistol fashion with your thumb and index finger as the hammer and barrel, respectively. 

How to use polarizing filters
How to use polarizing filters

Now aim your pointer finger at the sun while holding your thumb straight up.

Rotate your hand keeping the index finger pointed at the sun, every where the thumb points while being rotated this way indicates areas where the polarizing filter will be of maximum impact.

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