Quick Tips – How to Do HDR Quick and Easy Without Auto Bracketing

Creating High Dynamic Range (HDR) images with any camera that allows manual exposure controls is real easy.

hdr photography
Photo By Kennytyy
  1. Select the scene (remember there should not be any moving elements in the scene)
  2. Set ISO to 100
  3. Select Aperture Priority Mode (an aperture value of f/11 or narrower should work fine for most scenes)
  4. Select Spot Metering Mode
  5. Point the camera towards the brightest and darkest spots in the scene and note down the shutter speed readings indicated by the camera.
  6. Set up your camera on a tripod
  7. Focus on the most important element and shift the camera to manual focus
  8. Select Manual Mode and Set Aperture to f/11 (assuming you have used f/11 while taking readings)
  9. Now start from either the higher shutter speed or the lower and take pictures in 1 stop increments of shutter speeds till you reach the opposite value. For example if your shutter speed shown for the darkest area was 1/30 and the brightest area was 1/480. You would set the camera to Aperture f/11 and shutter speed 1/30, ISO 100 and take the first shot, then only changing the shutter speed to 1/60 you will take the second shot and so on till you reach 1/480 that makes it a total of 5 stops meaning you have captured exposures from -2 to +2 ev. (1/30, 1/60, 1/120, 1/240, 1/480).
  10. Now you can proceed to combine these images to HDR using Adobe Photoshop or Photomatix Pro.