DIY Macro Light Tent

DIY Macro Light Tent
DIY Macro Light Tent

If you need to shoot some very small objects on white, perhaps the quickest and cheapest solution you have is a diy macro light tent.

All it takes to set up your diy macro light tent is white paper and some tape. Once you set up the paper the only thing necessary is to make sure that your light comes from the top of the paper, the paper will now become the light source making soft diffused light that neatly wraps around your subject. You can use off camera flashes, continuous light sources or even place the whole setup outdoors to use natural light.

Pictured here is my battered Sony point and shoot which was shot using the method illustrated below.

DIY Macro Light Tent
DIY Macro Light Tent
for slightly larger subjects you could also fold the paper in the shape of a tent.

DIY Macro Light Tent
DIY Macro Light Tent

With this technique you can set up your tent, arrange your subject and wind up your shoot in less than a minute; isn't that great. Cheap ways of getting expensive looks. Try using larger paper, different coloured paper for the seamless background etc for different effects.