Crop Panorama - the Art of Faking Panoramas

Crop Panorama
Crop Panorama

True panoramas are made by stitching multiple shots together. Because of distortions the final image need to be cropped by default. But what we are referring to here is faking a panoramic feel by using a panoramic crop on images.

You may use any image editing software to make crop panoramas. The thing to remember is to simulate the panoramic feel the aspect ratio of the cropped image should be at least 2:1 meaning it should be at least twice as wide than it is tall.

For example consider the following image it was shot in the traditional 35mm full frame format which has an aspect ratio of 3:2 (width*height).

Fake Panorama
Fake Panorama

Now to simulate the feel of a panoramic image the image was cropped with an aspect ratio of 5:1 (width*height). 

Cropping Panoramas
Cropping Panoramas

The top and bottom are cropped away, leaving you with a wide panoramic crop of your original photo.