DIY Flash Diffuser for Macro Photography Made from Coco Cola Cans

DIY Flash Diffuser for Macro Photography Made from Coco Cola Cans
DIY Flash Diffuser for Macro Photography Made from Coco Cola Cans

Having used the same diffuser for about 18 months (made from plastic milk bottle duct tape and kitchen towel) decided to try and make a new one with the aim of making it more light efficient; so I didn't have to wait for the flash to recharge when taking fairly quick sequences of shots.

As I needed something with a fairly shiny surface decided to see what I could do with a couple of coke cans :)

Finished prototype (lot of duct tape involved :)

diy diffuser for macro
diy diffuser for macro

how to make diy diffuser for macro
how to make diy diffuser for macro

Just kitchen towel over the front at the moment

Note you need to be careful making this- very easy to cut yourself on the edges of the tin.

Ingredients- 2 empty drinks cans, duct tape, stapler, kitchen towel, scissors

Carefully cut the bottom and top off the cans- I made a slit with a sharp knife and then just used scissors to trim any sharp bits off the edge.

how to make a diffuser for macro photography
how to make a diffuser for macro photography

Then make cuts from one edge up to within about 2cms of the other edge with the strips about 1.5cms wide (the strips in the picture are a bit too narrow).

Macro Flash Diffusion
Macro Flash Diffusion

Cut several strips of duct tape about 1cm wide and have them ready. You then overlap the strips on the bottom edge one over the other (think the technical term is gathering) overlapping each one about half the width and when you have done about 5 stick them in place with the strip of tape and then continue round the whole piece of tin. Do this for the second tin as well. Fold over the edge with the cuts in at about 60' with about 2cms length.

DIY Flash Diffuser for Macro Photograghy
DIY Flash Diffuser for Macro Photograghy

When you have done both tins stick the two halves together with a slight overlap and staple as well if necessary. At this stage it's a good idea to put duct tape over the sharp edges to stop any cuts. You should now find you can wrap the construction around the flash head- and temporarily stick the other edge with probably a large overlap together with duct tape. 

Take it off the flash and trim off most of the overlap and stick together with duct tape and staples if necessary. I covered the entire outside with duct tape and then just sellotape a piece of kitchen towel over the front.

macro photography flash diffuser
macro photography flash diffuser

Here are a couple of shots taken with this diy diffuser.

How to Make a Cheap DIY Flash Diffuser for Macro Photography
Photo by: Brian Valentine

Best flash diffusers
Photo by: Brian Valentine