How to Photograph Glass Bottles

This is one of my "How to ad" series where I pick a photograph which appeared as an advertisement and try to figure out how to light it up + post processing. I'm trying to get there as close as I can and will show you the whole process to the final image.

Is it possible to get this with a small equipment and do it like the "pros"?

Mock Up

tips for photographing glass bottles
tips for photographing glass bottles

(The original ad-image is not taken by me! It's only used to show)


- 5D II @ 1/160, ISO100
- 24-70 ƒ2,8 @ ƒ/11

Lighting Setup

Here's the lighting setup, please excuse the poor quality as it is taken with my mobile camera.

setup shot of how to photograph glass bottles
setup shot of how to photograph glass bottles

lighting setup photographing glass bottles
lighting setup photographing glass bottles

Key light - Quadra into Softbox, front of bottle
Rim light - D-Lite into Softbox, left of bottle

Post Processing

Here's a video of my post processing technique.