5 Tips to Improve Your Landscape Photography Skills

1. Practice the Art of Seeing

A good photographer should be able to recognize a frame when he sees it. Identify the elements in the scene which work, eliminate the ones that don’t. It is always a good idea to visit the same location several times. And each time you go out there think of how best you could improvise upon earlier shots or try to find different angles from the ones you have already shot. Set yourselves a target to shoot a certain number of unique compositions each time you go out with your camera.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Thomas Mues

2. People and Landscapes

Landscape photography is not only about shooting gorgeous vistas and dramatic views. Include a person or two within the landscape to add life to your image. This serves multiple purposes. It adds a sense of scale to the image, and also tells the viewer more about the place. Also, it will help you make your shot unique as compared to other images of the same place.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Nagaraju

3. Switch to Landscape mode

If you are shooting with a compact camera and your camera does not allow manual aperture and shutter speed settings, then its best to switch to its built in landscape mode. It is in the landscape mode that you get the maximum depth of field so as to make every element in the frame in focus.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Giovanni Orlando

4. Avoid Unnecessary Distortion

While using wide angle lenses, look out for any distortion that spoils the image. If you are too close to the foreground subject, you may need to avoid placing it towards the corners so that distortion is minimized. Also, hold the camera straight. If you point the lens upwards, the perspective distortion will make it seem as if the objects are falling over backwards. And make sure that your horizon is level.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Allessandro Pautasso

5. Play with Lines

Lines are a part of our life in the form of twisted, zigzag and straight roads, rail lines, line of trees, buildings, electric posts, etc that we often come across. When used effectively in a photograph, lines give a sense of motion and also direct the eye of the viewer to the important elements in your frame. You can also use converging lines to attract attention to a particular subject. Before shooting, walk around the scene and explore different vantage points. The position from which you shoot an image has a direct impact on the manner in which lines appear.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Martin Gommel

In the next article we will discuss about Photography - Landscape Photography - Landscape Photography - Guide to Taking Better Landscape Photographs

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