DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

This is our second post in the series Macro in a budget, in the part I of the series we introduced you to the Macro Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography. The macro reverse ring does not cost a fortune to buy, But since this item is not sold often chances are more that you would not find it in your local camera store. Moreover there is nothing to compare with the proud feeling of being able to do things ourselves. So in this post we will discuss how to make a Macro Lens reverse ring with nothing more than your camera’s body cap (which you would not be using any way and if you are using it then you could always get a spare from the on-line stores. It does not cost much). And a broken UV lens filters.

First we need to locate the camera body cap which came along with the body. Myself i had to search my whole shelf before i could locate it.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

This is how it looks from the other side. This will be our lens mount.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

Find the centre of the ring, draw a circle and cut out the inside. Once you cut smooth-en the inside edge.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

While we can just glue the filter ring on to the cap at this stage itself we choose to grind the outer wall out too. It not only give a more professional look to the reverse ring but also makes the bond strong so that you can stop worrying about your lens falling off in case the glue fails.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

This is how it looks once we have cut out the inside part and have grinded the outside.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

A closer look.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

It should now fit correctly on to a 55mm lens filter. Do not worry if you are planning to use lenses with other filter sizes because you could always use a step up or step down converter along with it to mount lenses of varying filter sizes on to our diy macro reverse ring.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

Dis assemble your lens filter and take the casing.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

Now we have glued it together.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

You could use any strong adhesive like araldite for this purpose but we have found flex quick a glue similar to super glue to be much more effective. Moreover you need not wait for hours to test your result.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

This is how it looked when we mounted our 18 -55 kit lens. The filter size of 18 - 55 lens is 58 mm so we used the 55 - 58 converter to mount it.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

View from the other side.

DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
DIY Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography

So this really is budget macro right. The old camera body cap and a damaged filter is all it costs, and even if you intend to buy these new its not much.

In the next article we will discuss about Photography - DIY - Macro Photography in a Budget Series - Macro Lens Reverse Ring

Related Reading

  1. Lens Reverse Ring for Macro Photography
  2. DIY Extension Tube for Macro Photography
  3. DIY Macro Ring Light for Macro Photography
  4. DIY Lens Reversal Cap / UV Filter for Macro Photography
  5. DIY Bellows Extension Tube for Extreme Macro Photography