Long Term Care For Your Camera

Always remember, a digital camera is a very delicate piece of equipment. A little know how and care when handling them will help you maintain a healthy camera for many years. Here are some tips for taking good care of your camera.



Read the manual

The owner’s manual that came along with your camera has all the basic information you need to have about your equipment and how to use it. Reading it carefully goes a long way in avoiding mishandling.

Use a Camera Strap

Camera straps are supplied along with the camera and for DSLR’s and larger Prosumer cameras they are a must. They could save your day if the camera accidentally slips out of your hand.

Clean the Camera Regularly

The outside of the camera can be wiped clean with a clean, dry cloth, Never use abrasive cleaners or organic solvents on the camera or any of its parts.

Handle with Extreme Care

Be extremely careful with all moving parts of the camera. Never force hinges, buttons or dials if they seem stuck.

Switch off

Turn the camera off before removing or disconnecting the power source, removing the battery, memory card or lens.

Keep your Camera Dry

It should be free from condensation. Use weatherproof covers while shooting in bad weather conditions. If you need to move your camera from a cold place to a hot one or vice versa immediately like getting out of an air conditioned room; warp your camera in a plastic bag or newspaper until its temperature matches that of its environment.

Store Your Camera Well

If your camera will remain unused for a while, remove the battery. Store your gear in a cool, dry and well ventilated place along with silica gel. A camera bag is a good option or else you could think of some sort of container that would accommodate all your equipment and protect them from dust, moisture and other elements. Never place your camera near electric motors or other appliances that have a strong magnetic field.

Do Not

Do Not
Do Not

Ill Treat Your Camera

Do not subject your camera to knocks, vibration, magnetic fields, smoke, water, steam, sand or chemicals, do not store or use it in humid, dusty or dirty places. Avoid subjecting it to extreme temperatures.

Change Lenses erroneously

Never change lenses while your camera is switched on. Switch the camera off, attach another lens and then switch it on. Changing lenses is when most of the dust particles gets inside your camera’s sensor. So do not change lenses where you feel there is a chance for that to happen.

Use Harsh Cleaning Measures

Do not apply lens cleaning fluid directly to the lens. If fluid must be used, place a few drops on the cleaning cloth. Most importantly clean your lens only when it is absolutely necessary. The cleaning cloth used should be clean, dry and made of appropriate material. Cloths made of Ultra fine microfibre works best; they remove all kinds of dust and particles at once, e.g. finger marks, grease spots, without leaving streaks and smudges.

Place it in direct Sunlight

Do not leave your camera exposed in direct sunlight for long as the camera heats and the heat break/melt the lubricating greases, which could seep through and damage your hardware. Camera parts will also expand when they get hot. Also Do not leave your camera for prolonged times in hot places like cars. Pointing the camera lens towards strong sunlight for a prolonged time can ruin the sensor as well as your eyes.

Scratch the Camera

Be careful when you place a camera unprotected in your pocket. Keys and loose coins can damage camera and lcd surfaces.

Use canned Air

Most consumer digital cameras are not air tight. Canned air may blow dust into the inside of the lens. Use a microfibre cloth instead or a squeeze bulb blower.

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