Quick Tips - How to Pose a Group of People

Posing a group of people for a shot is tricky; you need to take extra care to arrange all the people in a way that gives the appearance of a relaxed shot that also makes every individual visible to the camera. Let us discuss some tips for arranging people for group shots. Kindly refer the article Group Photography - Ideas, Tricks and Techniques for more tips on photographing groups.

posing groups of people
Photo By Sven Cipido
  1. Add a couple of low slung arm or club chairs to the scene, they will give you a choice of levels to place your subjects, standing, sitting on the chair, sitting on the chairs arms, leaning on to the back of the chair, sitting on the floor, kneeling on the floor, lying on the floor etc.  Thus giving you endless ways to arrange the group according to your taste.
  2. Move tall people to the centre positions in the back row.
  3. Move heavy set people and people wearing busy patters or contrasting colours to the back.
  4. Make sure no immediate neighbours are at the same eye height. It is better to have a couple of inches difference between eye heights of people standing next to each other. Remember not to overdo it as too much of difference will only make matters worse.
  5. Instruct each person to shift their weight to either one of their feet.
  6. Avoid square shoulders and hips by instructing people to move one shoulder or the other slightly towards the camera.
  7. Avoid arms hanging straight down at the sides tell people to bend elbows, place hands on others shoulders, add small gestures, embrace, stagger heads etc.