Tips for Shooting the Bride's Profile

bride profile
Photo by : Salbjörg Rita Jónsdóttir

Marriage is once in a life-time affair and anything done to make this ceremony grant doesn’t go waste. On the wedding day the bride is no ordinary girl she is the shining star of the whole ceremony;and all eyeballs stay glued towards her. All these increase the tension of the photographer; any error or oversight in covering the ceremony may be viewed as an unpardonable sin; there will be no repeat of the events. He even has to answer why the bride appears less beautiful or why her smile is not that attractive!

Before getting dressed to cover a wedding photo assignment; it would be better to have some insights in to the factors that work to make wedding photography more effective. Profile shots well-done will be the heart of any set of wedding- pictures; here are a few tips to get the perfect profile portrait of the bride.

  1. Give Your Subject Some Space to Look Into. Compose your shots so that there is more space in the direction the bride is looking, this prevents the shot from looking as if she’s been squeezed into the frame. Shooting in Landscape / Horizontal orientation may help you achieve it effectively.
  2. Position the camera at the same height as the bride’s shoulder. This will make sure the bride’s face is well proportioned in the picture.
  3. Pose the bride just the same way as a full profile shot, the eye farther from the camera / other side of the face should not be visible at all.
  4. Ask the bride to look a bit towards the camera without moving her head; this will make sure you have more of her eyeballs and less whites.
  5. Position the lights slightly behind the bride and not directly in front of her so that the light wraps around her face.
  6. You will most definitely need a reflector or another light to act as fill to make sure the shadow side of the bride’s face, the side facing the camera is lit properly. Controlling the light ratio between the main light and your fill light is the secret to creating the perfect bridal profile.

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