Using Your Camera's LCD Monitor Outdoors

Camera LCD Hood
Different Types of LCD Hoods for Digital Cameras

Shooting outdoor not like that in our own studio; it can have many unexpected perils involved to trouble the photographer. Elements of nature like, rain, dust, storm, etc. are just some of them. One major factor- though an expected one- is the bright sun over whelming our ‘poor’ LCD monitor thereby making it unable to see what is displayed in it. While merciless sun washes out the display we photographers struggle to ascertain whether the exposure under, over or right or whether all required details are present in the shot etc. 

When faced with such situations we often depend on additional tools like histograms, both brightness and RGB to ensure at least our picture is technically right. But these are no substitutes of seeing LCD clearly and directly. LCD clearly helps you to adjust exposure, determine whether the right area is in focus (and if not can adjust it), determine whether depth of field is right, using of selective focus along with depth of field for creating various effects etc. 

The LCD displays gives you feedback on how well a background looks for your shot, or whether you need to find a different angle of view, encourages you to try different compositions (live view is especially helpful in this) and so many things about the constitution of the frame. 

Frustrated by the cruel sun you might as turn off your LCD viewer at least to save some battery power; don’t forsake one of the biggest advancement in modern day photography that enables you to review your picture instantly. Don’t throw your baby with bathwater; there is a way! 

Innovation never sleeps; some recently launched products have made it possible to see LCD screen clearly in any situation, one such produce is the ‘Hoodman HoodLoupe Professional’ (also called Hloupe). When shooting outdoors wear this device around your neck; when you need to review your picture simply hold it up over the LCD monitor; it’s soft rubber enclosure blocks out the sun and gives a crystal clear view of the monitor.

For cameras which have optical viewfinders this LCD Hoods are useful for reviewing pictures on camera’s LCD; this is more useful for cameras which do not have optical viewfinders since LCD Hoods let you put your camera right up to your eye, like optical viewfinders, help you see clearly in any sunlight and can often save the day.

Another big advantage of having an LCD Hood is that you could now shoot video, (if your DSLR supports it) holding the camera to your eye, a big advantage.


Even though it's called a Hloupe," unlike traditional loupes it does not magnify the image, it only blocks out the light; but that’s all we need. At B&H it retails for around  $65.There are many other manufacturers with varying designs do check them out too. And for those of you who live the DIY lifestyle there are some cool ideas for Diy LCD Hoods here.