Tips to Pose the Bride and Groom

tips to pose bride and groom
Photo by: Justin Beckley

As marriage is taking place in heaven; its photographs too should have a heavenly touch. A bride standing aloof and groom looking somewhere else; relatives standing groups all giving no touch of intimacy or feeling of oneness etc. does not do justice to that celestial event. The onus is naturally on the photographer to make them all a single and unified team thereby giving the photograph a magical touch!

We have all seen many wedding photo albums in which the bride is photographed with many people (including the groom); but on many occasions these wedding photographs seem to lack a magic that catch eyes of the viewer. They all just look as a crowd sans a feeling of attachment. Taking part or just observing a photo shoot you will remember that everything seemed fine and wonder why the same feeling of intimacy is lacking in these photographs?

The reason is, every individual has his/her private space immediately around them and do not wish   consciously to breach that invisible barrier by getting too close. The result will be obvious; when you try to pose two individuals they will strike a pose that feels quite natural to both. But in reality there will be too much space between them. As a result everything that seems perfectly alright at the event; appear to lack closeness; there is no way to correct the lost opportunity.

wedding photography
Photo by: Justin Beckley

To create a feeling of closeness in your photos, make sure you position the heads of the bride and the other person very close to each other. This might sound simple enough until you actually try posing people. It may require constant reminding to the people (even the groom) to move in close and hold their face very close to the bride. At the time of shooting standing so close might seem unnatural as people don’t usually do it in their real life, but not doing that will end up with shots that look stiff and devoid of any affection.

Do give this a try on your next wedding shoot and you will see the difference it makes in your photos. Being able to successfully convey the level of closeness is critical in getting powerful shots. Make the group not a crowd but a team meant for a great union; remember a wedding is a sort of welding of two souls! Each participant is important so that the union persists happily ever after!

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