Turn Your Kit Lens into an Extreme Macro Lens with Full Aperture Control

In the earlier post we discussed about getting the aperture work with a reversed lens using the  Novoflex Reverse Lens Adapter. But many of us will not be prepared to shed $500 just to get the aperture working. For those who like to get things done themselves, here's a diy alternative to Novoflex reverse lens adapter.

This awesome hack is certainly not for the faint hearted. Only attempt this if you are somewhat skilled at precision jobs involving a little electronics (soldering) sawing, assembling and disassembling parts of a lens etc.

In this video tutorial an 18mm-55mm kit lens is disassembled, the auto-focus removed, and then the mount is hacked and set on the front of the lens along with the electrical contacts. A strip wire from a floppy drive is then used to connect the electronics to the circuit thus ensuring full functioning of aperture.

There is no point in trying this technique with expensive lenses, only the kit lens (Canon 18mm-55mm f/3.5-5.6 non IS, non USM) lens is a worthy candidate as it is available for cheap; many people have discarded them due to quality issues; even more are rendered useless when the strip inside the lens fails and returns errors (you could buy another one used for the cost of repair).  So if you do not have a discarded kit lens you could buy a used one for very little money.