The Trick to Find Dust Spots in Your Digital Camera Sensor

There is a simple trick to find dust spots in your digital cameras sensor. Just take a picture of a grey object, eg. a grey sky or a solid grey wall. Make sure you use an aperture of f/16 or narrower for the shot. Now open the picture in Adobe Photoshop and then press Command-I (Apple) or Ctrl-I on PC to invert the photo.

finding dust spots in digital camera sensor
Photo by: Yohmi

When a picture is inverted any dust on sensor really stands out. Given below is the inverted version of the above picture.

how to find dust spots in dslr sensors
how to find dust spots in dslr sensors

Now that you have identified the problem areas, you could either move on to the process of cleaning your sensor or if you are not comfortable doing it yourselves give it to an authorized service center.

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