7 Landscape Photography Tips

Photo By Daniël Silveira

Keep Horizons Straight

Before you press the shutter ensure that the horizon is perfectly straight in the scene you are shooting. Many people compose the frame carelessly and then correct the tilt later in photoshop or such image editing softwares. However this reduces the size of the image and may also lead to compression of data or loss of information towards the corners. Not a good thing to have especially if you intend to sell your work via stock photo websites.

Photo By Daniël Silveira

Research on the Location

Before you set out to shoot at a place, look up as much information as you can about the place. This will help you better organize the shoot, take advantage of the specific features of the location, helps you pick the gear for the shoot, tell you what to look out for and pitfalls that you need to avoid.

Photo By Giovanni Orlando

Contrast in Black and White Photography

Contrast can be used effectively in black and white photographs to draw attention to the main subject. Even if your intention is to shoot a black and white image, it is wise to shoot the image in colour, and then convert the image to black and white in an image editing software, this gives you maximum control over the tonalities in the scene.

Photo By Giovanni Orlando

Shoot in RAW… Always

Make use of the RAW format if your camera allows you to do the same. It may take up more space on the memory card, but the advantages when it comes to image quality are many. You no longer need to worry about white balance settings, and you will still have enough pixels in left in your frame to make up a decent frame even after a bit of cropping.

Photo By Daniël Silveira

Colour Correction Filter

Use a colour correction filter to change the colours of light on a landscape. These filters can also be used to add a warm or a cool tone to your image.

Photo By Andrea Costa

Shoot at Different Shutter speeds

While shooting on a rainy day / when shooting waterfalls, streams and such other moving subjects, try and experiment with shutter speed. Depending on the settings you choose, you can freeze the motion of falling raindrops or even capture a unique blurring effect. Remember the speed you need to set for your exposure will vary with the speed at which your subject moves.

Photo By viamoi

Shoot Panoramic Views

You can shoot spectacular panoramas quite easily, even with a compact camera. Use a tripod and ensure that the exposure settings are constant throughout.

Photo By Christopher Chan