Landscape Photography Tips and Techniques

Landscape Photography
Photo By M.G. Kafkas

Give a Personal Touch

Just like finger prints, every human mind is unique and they perceive things differently. As a result a landscape scene shot the same time by different photographers will all differ from one another. Unconsciously every photograph taken by a photographer will have an element of his own signature style. Try to identify, improvise and develop it. It helps to add a personal touch to your photos. Studying the works of the masters is undoubtedly one of the best ways to improve one’s talent, but always remember that inspiration should not mean duplication. Always look at an image and think of how you could have shot it better. This will add freshness to your photography and help you develop a unique style.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Alexander Shchukin

Think and Conceptualize

Your images should convey depth and meaning. It should evoke emotional response in the mind of the viewer. Make sure that your photographs effectively convey your thoughts to the viewer. So before shooting, think if there is a theme, a phrase, a mood or a point of view that you wish to capture and preserve. Then, work towards this and ensure that your photograph communicates your thoughts.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Anguskirk

Include Skies

A dramatic skyscape is an important element to any landscape shot. A dramatic skyscape could easily make a shot and a bland skyscape could easily break it. A polarizing filter could come to your rescue in such situations by enhancing the colours.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Mani Babbar

Use Reflections

Shooting reflections can be an amazing experience. Early mornings and late evenings are ideal for shooting reflections. A water stream or pond enhances the overall view in a landscape photograph. Stay aware of the surroundings and look for water bodies around you. Also, remember that some reflections can be used to enhance an image while others can be distracting. So choose carefully.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Omar Eduardo

Watch Out for Obstacles

While shooting, watch out for unnatural elements like overhead wires, poles, garbage cans or tree trunks especially in the foreground. These elements can be distracting so reposition yourself or change the angle to eliminate them from the frame.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Any Colour You Like

Do Not Stay in One Place

The best locations are found only when you take the effort to move around. Do not keep shooting at only one spot, explore the landscape, shoot from different vantage points, get up close and use your ultra wides, move back and use your tele lenses. (yes zoom lenses could produce some excellent landscape pictures) . Move on and explore.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Alexander Shchukin

Stories Through Landscapes

Always look out for tiny details that can tell you something about the place and narrate a story. A simple way to do this is to concentrate on the details – a worn out rock, a dead leaf or a log of wood, can be used as effective foreground elements that tell a story.

Landscape Photography
Photo By Marcel Germain