What does Ø Symbol on Lenses Mean?

Ø Symbol on Lens
Ø Symbol on Lens

Ø symbol (more like a 0 with a strike through) is used on camera lenses to indicate the diameter of the screw mount on the front of the lens.

Different lenses have different diameter screw mounts even if they are all used on the same camera. For example the 18mm-55mm kit lens that comes along with most cameras have a diameter of 58mm where as the 50mm f/ 1.8 which is one other very popular lens known as the nifty-fifty has a diameter of 52mm.

Ø Symbol on Camera Lens
Ø Symbol on Camera Lens

The Ø number could also be seen on the reverse side of your lens cap and it is to be referenced when choosing lens filters (UV, ND, GND, CPL etc) lens caps, lens hoods etc.

Ø Symbol on Camera Lens
Ø Symbol on Camera Lens

You need to make sure the Ø size and the size of the filters match; for example Ø 77mm to 77mm. One should also consider the Ø size of the lens when purchasing a Lens Reverse Ring (for reverse mounting lenses) for macro photography.